Friday, March 9, 2012

These 3 Little Things

On a cold day like today it's hard to find things to be thankful for.

But I did!

Remember my little seeds hanging in the window?

  Well, this is either, basil, oregano or cilantro. 
Not really sure which one but I'm thankful that it's growing! 

This is either carrots, bell peppers or green beans.  
I'm thinking bell peppers.

And, now for the Grand Finale...

Friendship bracelets!

These must have taken at least 20 strings.

Just look at them.
Hanging there in Target like they never went away. 

Look at the glorious, colorful cotton.  Knotted carefully and strategically, hanging from a safety pin, pinned upon a pair of jeans perhaps? 

Nay, they are but factory made, but still beautiful, the lot of them.

All of them screaming my name, begging me to adorn several upon my wrist. But, I don't dare buy one.  They must be given to me by a friend.  That's the rule. Sigh. wink. sigh. wink. sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I saw all the thread to make said friendship bracelets at the store today!! I can't help but have fond memories of sitting for HOURS making these for those friends who meant most.
    I hope you receive many.
